Felipe Muñoz Medina
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Felipe Muñoz Medina
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Felipe Muñoz Medina
Ph.D. in Business Administration
About me
I hold a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Chile. I work at the University of Santiago of Chile as a researcher and assistant professor of organizational behavior.
My research interests include employee well-being, stress, prosocial behaviors, job performance, and the work-technology relationship. This effort aims to develop better workplaces, particularly in health and public sector organizations, to promote high-quality services and products.
My work has been published in relevant journals, and I have published chapters in international books on different aspects of organizational behavior.
I was a visitor PhD student at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Selected Publications
Research Papers
▪ López Bohle, Sergio., Chambel, MJ., Griep, Y., Muñoz Medina F. & Zúñiga, H. (2024). "Are Both I-deals? The Mediating Role of I-task and I-incentive in the Relationship Between Supervisor Support and Employees’ Silence and Voice". Sage Open. (WoS).
▪ Xiaohong Xu, Lixin Jiang, Sergio López Bohle, Felipe Muñoz Medina, and Meiqiao Gu. (2024). "Why and when transformational leadership influences followers’ qualitative job insecurity: A three-wave moderated mediation study". Applied Psychology: An International Review. (WoS).
▪ Muñoz Medina, F., López, S., Van Beurden, J., Chambel, M., & Ugarte, S. (2023). “The Relationship Between Job Insecurity and Employee Performance: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda”, Career Development International. (WoS).
▪ Muñoz Medina, F., López, S., Ugarte, S., Chambel, M. & Wall, E. (2022). “Employees Perceptions of Job Insecurity and Performance: A Qualitative Approach”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (WoS).
▪ Muñoz Medina, F., López Bohle, S., Jiang, L., Chambel, M. J., & Ugarte, S. M. (2022). “Qualitative job insecurity and voice behavior: Evaluation of the mediating effect of affective organizational commitment”. Economic and Industrial Democracy. (WoS).
▪ López Bohle, S., Bal, P., Probst, T., Rofcanin, Y., & Muñoz Medina, F. (2022). “What Do Job Insecure People Do? Examining Employee Behaviors and their Implications for Well-Being at a Weekly Basis”. Journal of Management & Organization. (WoS).
▪ Breevaart, K., López, S., Luca, J & Muñoz, F. (2020). “Voice and Silence as Immediate Consequences of Job Insecurity”, Career Development International. (WoS).
▪ López, S., Chambel, M., Munoz, F. & Silva, B. (2018). “The Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Job Insecurity and Performance”. Journal of Business Management. (WoS).
▪ Mardones, M, Muñoz, F, Vidal, C, Cáceres, M. (2017). “Entrepreneurship. A Vision of Cultural Approach and Transaction Cost Theory. People and Technology Management Journal. (Scielo).
▪ Perez, G. & Munoz, F. (2014). “Human Resource Management in Small and Medium-Sized Vineyards in Chile", International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources. (WoS).
▪ Muñoz, F. & Pizarro, R. (2014). “Rhetoric, Metaphors and their Role in Organizational Change”. OIKOS Journal. (Latindex).
Published Book Chapters
▪ López Bohle, S. & Muñoz Medina, F. (2024). "Impacto de la Comunicación Boca a Boca en la Toma de Decisiones del Consumidor: Un Enfoque Aplicado Desde el Neuromarketing". Publishing House, ESIC.
▪ López Bohle, S. & Muñoz Medina, F. (2024). "El Impacto del Conflicto Trabajo-Familia en la Innovación: El Rol del Incumplimiento del Contrato Psicológico y la Comunicación Estratégica Interna". Publishing House, ESIC.
▪ López Bohle, S., Muñoz Medina, F., Zúñiga, H. (2024). "Comprendiendo el Estrés Laboral y el Desempeño en Organizaciones de Salud: Un Modelo de Relación Líder-Trabajador". Libro "Comunicación y Salud: Avances, Inteligencia Artificial y Nuevos Métodos". Publishing House, Fragua.
▪ López Bohle, S., Muñoz Medina, F., Zúñiga, H. (2024). "El rol protector de la comunicación estratégica interna en la percepción de inseguridad laboral y el bienestar de los trabajadores". Libro "Convencer desde la publicidad, la comunicación y el arte". Publishing House, Marcial Pons.
▪ Margherita, A., López, S. & Muñoz Medina, F. (2023). "Human Resource Analytics to Address Job Insecurity and Employee Resilience in Organizational Transformation." [Chapter Contribution for the Book "A Research Agenda for HR Analytics"]. Edward Elgar Publishing.
▪ López, S, Muñoz Medina, F & Zúñiga, H. (2023). "El Liderazgo Transformacional, la Percepción deApoyo Organizacional y el Desempeño Laboral en Salud: El Rol de la Comunicación de la Seguridad Psicológica". Publishing House, Fragua.
▪ López, S, Muñoz Medina, F & Zúñiga, H. (2023). "La Gestión de la Comunicación del Marketing Interno: Un Análisis de la Lealtad del Consumidor y el Compromiso Afectivo de los Trabajadores". Publishing House, TECNOS.
▪ López, S., Muñoz Medina, F. & Zúñiga, H. (2022). "Los Despidos Masivos y el Rendimiento Laboral: Una Investigación Sobre el Rol del Contrato Psicológico y de las Políticas Comunicacionales en las Organizaciones". Publishing House, Gedisa.
▪ López, S., Muñoz Medina, F. & Zúñiga, H. (2022). "El Impacto de la Inseguridad Laboral en el Desempeñode los Trabajadores. Evidencia para Disminuir sus Efectos Perjudiciales en las Organizaciones". Publishing House, RIL Editores.▪ González, J., Mardones, R., Muñoz, F. y Camplillán,M. (2019). "Rediseño y Actualización Curricular en la Carrerade Tecnología en Administración de Personal: Desafíos Para la Formación de Profesionales en el Área de la Gestión de las Personas". Editorial, Book Citation Index, Social Sciences & Humanities Edition.
Work in Progress
▪ We need more voices, not less! Promoting employee voice [Title redacted to protect blind review process]. (WoS). Under review. 2024
▪ Is emotion the engine? Positive Affect as Mediator [Title redacted to protect blind review process]. (WoS). Under review. 2024
▪ An Investigation of the Moderating Effects of National Culture [Title redacted to protect blind review process]. (WoS). Under review. 2024
▪ The Moderating Effect of Leadership and Group Cohesion on Thriving from Work and Business Outcomes: Findings from a Longitudinal Observation Study in the Microfinance Sector. Research paper in progress.
▪ Technology-Enhanced and Sustainable HRM: How Human Resource Analytics Can Address Employee Wellbeing and Job Insecurity. Research paper in progress.
▪ Why is workplace well-being (thriving from work) so important? Findings from a Longitudinal Observation Study on Three Waves. An Extensive Comprehension of the Thriving from Work Questionnaire. Research paper in progress.
▪ Cognitive Stress and Compensatory Behaviors. The Relevance of Psychological Safety and Affective Commitment in a Mediation and Moderation Relationship. Research paper in progress.
▪ Proactive Responses to Job Insecurity: Exploring the Role of Uncertainty Avoidance and Gender Differences. Research paper in progress.
▪ Executive Compensation. Analysis of Individual and Relative Performance. Research paper in progress.
Education and Training
▪ Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Work, Health, and Well-being, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Boston, MA, United States. Currently
▪ Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Chile, 2020. Santiago, Chile.
Visiting Ph.D. Student, Center for Research in Psychological Science, University of Lisbon. Lisbon, Portugal.
▪ Master in Organizational Labor Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 2013. Santiago, Chile.
▪ Undergraduate Degree in Public Administration, University of Santiago of Chile, 2011. Santiago, Chile.
▪ Certificate in Social and Behavioral Research Investigators, Harvard University (CITI Program), 2024. Boston, MA, United States.
▪ Certificate in People Analytics: Transforming HR Strategy with Data Science, Cambridge University, 2022. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
▪ Certificate in Public Value: Challenges for Management and Public Policy, Harvard University, 2015. Boston, MA, United States.